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Globally, Research shows that Cancer has been the major cause of death. We may stop cancer development and progression cell if we control the growth of cancer-driving molecule in the body.

Introduction of Oncology Therapy:

Globally, Research shows that Cancer has been the major cause of death. We may stop cancer development and progression cell if we control the growth of cancer-driving molecule in the body. And an excellent treatment called “Oncology Therapy” making this hypothesis possible.

Oncology is the branch of medical science which deals with the study and treatment of tumors (An abnormal growth of body tissue). It is the field of medicine which works toward Research, identification, and treatment of Cancer.

Four Stages of Cancer:

Staging helps in describing where the tumor cell is located or whether it is affecting other parts of the body as well. Diagnostic tests are used by the oncologist to identify cancer stages, which are described as follows:

0 Stage: Cancer in this stage is identifies by the location, where the tumor cell develops. 0 stage is also called as “in- situ” Cancer, which means “in place” or the stage where the nearby area is not affected by the tumor cell.

I Stage: “Localized cancer,” this is also known as early-stage Cancer, where tumor cells can grow and affect the nearby area of the cancer cell. At this stage, oncologist suggests a healthy diet and change in habits, which helps in fighting Cancer and restrict it to return.

II & III Stage: II and III stage are known “Regional Spread,” where the cancer cell already grew up and started affecting the nearby area. At this stage, the cancer cell is already entered in the bloodstream and began to trigger the immune system.

IV Stage: When the cancer cell is entered nearby area that is called “Distant Spread” or metastatic Cancer, where the cancer tissue is affecting the other organs also along with the surroundings. This type of cancer is hard to treat, but now a day’s treatment for stage 4 cancer is out there.

Oncology works in three major fields:

Medical Oncologist: Chemotherapy or other medication like Targeted therapy or Immunotherapy are used to treats Cancer under Medical Oncologist. For someone who is suffering from Cancer, Medical Oncologist is the main health care provided.

Surgical Oncologist:  A surgeon who has treats Cancer through surgery. The tumor and nearby cancerous tissue are removed during surgery under Surgical Oncologist.

Radiation Oncologist: It removes cancerous cells and tumors using radiation therapy without damaging the nearby tissue. It prevents cancer from spreading and diagnostic other symptoms.

Facts & Figures:

Oncology Therapy Market is estimated to reach USD 219,769.21 million by 2023 from USD 135,250.32 million in 2018 growing at a CAGR of 7.37%. Factors that are driving the market growth include, increasing patients assistance program, increasing prevalence of cancer worldwide, and strong R&D from key players.

Advancement in Oncology Therapy:

Whosoever hear the word “Cancer” strike the fear in heart, which is mainly due to lack of knowledge about the three significant treatments, i.e., Chemo, Surgery, and Radiation. The most common therapy of treating many different of Cancer is Radiation therapy and increasingly becoming precise as advanced and improved technology.

The principal of Radiation Therapy:

The usage of Radiation theory destroys cancer cells. The radiation which is used is known as ionizing radiation because it creates ions (electrically charged particles) and drops energy in the cell of the tissue. Radiation therapy includes combination strategies with other treatments such as chemotherapy or Immunotherapy. Shrunken the tumor in the cell is the main aim of radiation. Radiation therapy has been used to destroy microscopic tumor cells, which may be left behind after surgery.

The Technique of Radiation Therapy:

There are different ways to deliver radiation on the tumor cell, which are:

External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT): Delivering the radiation beam by aiming high energy rays on the tumor cell from outside the body is external beam radiation. Delivery of EBRT is done for approximately 6 to 8 weeks. EBRT will be given to the patients from multiple directions depending on the size of Cancer (Large or Small). This is the most common clinical setting given to cancer patients.

3D Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT): By using a unique computed tomography (CT) scan, EBRT can be delivered more accurately, and this will be done quickly by 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy. When using 3D- CRT, it reduces the chance of injury to a nearby body structure.

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT): IMRT is the advanced version of 3D-CRT, which enables oncologists to adjust the radiation (the amount of radiation given to the patients). The intensity of radiation is adjusted through computer-controlled from where radiation beams are passed and aimed at a treatment area.

Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT): IGRT is a new approach that helps in delivering the radiation more accurately on the tumor cell. IGRT prevent cancer-driving molecule from spreading nearby area of tumor cells. This enables the accuracy of very complex treatment.

Brachytherapy: Brachytherapy is also known by internal radiation, seeds, and implants. In Brachytherapy, radioactive seeds are placed on or near of tumor. Once the procedure is done, then patients will temporarily get a small amount of radiation from those seeds. This used in the routine treatment of gynecologist or the situation when retreatment is needed.

Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT): This radiation therapy is delivered directly to the area of treatment at the time of surgery. IORT has been used as a treatment for many cancers but used primarily for “Localized cancer,” which is not easily removed entirely and which can grow and affect the nearby area.

Stereotactic Radiation Surgery (SRS): This therapy is used as a treatment for Brain Tumor, and the dose of radiation is delivered entirely in a single time or in a fractionated way during treatment for several weeks.


Our body fights with the cancer cell daily with the amazing immune system. The word cancer defines more than a hundred diseases, but knowing the risk factor, and knowing how to fight with the tumor cell and provides the nutrition to the body to control and to prevent them from spreading is “Oncology Therapy” is about.


WRITTEN BY: Disha Bhatt

Disha Bhatt is a management student at RIIM Pune. She worked as a Research Associate (intern) in Market Data Forecast, One of the world’s leading research and consulting for various business domains, individuals and corporate clients.