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Growing number of lactose-intolerant population boosts Almond Drinks Market

The driving factors of the global Almond Drinks market are rising demand for lactose-free food products due to their ease of digestion, increasing incidences of lactose intolerance, growing awareness of customers about lactose-free food products and manufacturers offering various dairy products among others. The key factor propelling the growth of this market is the rising incidence of lactose intolerance.


Almond drinks are made from crushed almonds, with a delicate flavor and a soft touch. Almond drinks do not contain lactose and are highly favored by lactose-loving consumers and people who avoid dairy products, including vegetarian customers. The predominant almond-based beverages include Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze, and WhiteWave Food Silk Pure Almond are regularly used worldwide.

Almond drinks are made from ground almonds and water and have a pleasant taste and creamy texture similar to regular milk. Almond contains proteins, vitamins and fibers and is a rich source of energy. "Dairy-free and gluten-free" is the most prominent property of the almond drink, making it popular with lactose intolerant and gluten-sensitive consumers. Almond milk is preferred in the food industry to make cheese, desserts, snacks and beverages such as cold-pressed milk and others. Most dairy products are high in calories and lactose, while almond drinks do not contain cholesterol, saturated fat, low sodium and healthy fats such as omega fatty acids, which helps reduce the risk, hypertension and heart disease.

The consumption of almond drinks offers excellent benefits for weight control, maintenance of bone health, muscle strength and mild digestion. Almond milk contains 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E, which contains antioxidant properties essential for healthy skin, for example, protecting it from sun damage.

Recent Developments:

  1. In October 2019, the American beverage manufacturer Blue Diamond expanded its Almond Breeze brand with the launch of Almond Milk Hot Chocolate.
  2. In August 2019, the British supermarket chain Lidl began offering vegan almond and oatmeal milk in its Just Free range.
  3. In May 2019, an Indian-based conglomerate, ITC Limited, planned to export its almond-based milk drinks to the Middle East market, mainly to Saudi Arabia and Dubai.
  4. In September 2018, the Spanish company Nectin launched organic almond drinks for sale in Spain and France.
  5. Following the successful launch of Starbucks almond milk in the United States in 2016, the company launched its product in the Indian market on April 16, 2018.

Regional Analysis:

Geographically, the global almond beverage market can be divided into major regions, including North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, the Middle East and Africa. Globally, among all regions, North America has become the dominant region in the world almond beverage market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. The growing demand for almond drinks among lactose-intolerant consumers has strengthened the growth of the global almond drinks market and, therefore, is expected to significantly increase the market's contribution to revenue during the forecast period.


It's nutritious

Although almond milk is not as nutritious as cow's milk, fortified products approach it.

They often contain vitamin D, calcium and added proteins, which makes them more similar to regular milk in terms of nutritional content.

It is low in calories

Although almonds contain 50% fat and are rich in calories, commercial almond milk is a low-calorie beverage.

That means you can drink a lot without worrying about your weight gain. It is also nutrient-dense, providing many nutrients concerning its caloric content.

Almond milk producers dilute it with water to obtain a fat content similar to that of skim milk, which contains approximately 1% fat.

A cup of almond milk contains only 39 calories, half the number of calories in a bowl of skim milk

Almond milk without sugar does not increase blood sugar.

Much of the almond milk on the market is loaded with added sugar.

Sugar-free almond milk, on the other hand, is a low-carb drink containing only 0.6% carbohydrate (1.5 grams) per cup.

It does not contain dairy products

Almond milk does not contain cow's milk or other animal products, making it an excellent choice for vegans and people who are intolerant or allergic to milk.

Many people are lactose-intolerant and cannot digest it completely. Undigested lactose fermented by resident bacteria, results in excess gas, bloating, diarrhea and associated discomfort.

Almond milk does not contain lactose, making it a suitable milk substitute for people with lactose intolerance.

Enriched almond milk can strengthen your bones

Dairy products are the most abundant source of calcium. On the other hand, almonds are a poor source.

For almond milk to be more like real milk, producers often enrich it with calcium. For example, a cup of commercial almond milk may contain up to 45-50% of the RDI

This can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Observational studies show that regular consumption of nuts is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. This is partly because they are rich in vitamin E and contain healthy fats.

Almond milk contains 1% by weight of oil, of which about 90% is unsaturated

Oleic acid, the primary fatty acid in almond oil, has been associated with beneficial changes in blood lipids.

Enriched almond milk is rich in vitamin D

Many people miss vitamin D. This increases the risk of bone fragility, fatigue and muscle weakness.

There are few good sources of vitamin D in the human diet. That is why a common public health strategy is to enrich certain foods with vitamin D. This is especially true for dairy products.

Like regular milk, almond milk often contains added vitamin D. For example, one cup may contain 101 IU (2.4 μg) of vitamin D or 25% of the RDI. A cup of vitamin-enriched cow's milk contains similar amounts.
